Katsura Rikyu was created by prince Toshihito and completed by his son Toshitada, both of them fine connoisseurs of the arts and literature in the first half of the 17th century. Built in the south-west of Kyoto on the right bank of the Katsura river which supplies water to its garden. Apart from refined architecture the garden features a large pond with the lively banks, islands and a winding path that surrounds it. Unlike a dry garden which can be observed from a single point of view, a stroll garden with all its elements is discovered gradually thanks to the lay-out of the pond and of the garden. The technique is called “hide and reveal”,”miegakure” in Japanese. It is a whole system of obstacles (like trees, shrubs, fences, stepping stones, or change of heights) opposed to a visitor that reveals step by step the different garden elements in a new context, under a new perspective before they disappear again. The stroll garden Katsura Rikyu became the paragon for this type of garden.